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 12 results in yourGeographicsearch for"Tanganyika, Lake"Advanced Search
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Sketches by Lieutenant Cameron in Central Africa...Lukuga Outlet of Lake Tanganyika...1876. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches by Lieutenant Cameron in Central Africa: Kituta Village, Lake Tanganyika, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches by Lieutenant Cameron in Central Africa: Malumbi Hill, Lake Tanganyika, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Map of a Portion of Africa, showing...Cameron's Route from the East to the West Coast...1876. Creator: Ernst Ravenstein.
''Practical Civilising Work in Central Africa; Kavala Island on Lake Tanganyika', 1890. Creator: Unknown.
Colonial possessions in East Africa during the First World War, c1916, (c1920).  Creator: Unknown.
Map of East Africa, First World War, (c1920). Creator: John Bartholomew & Son.
'Livingstone...: The Great Missionary-Explorer found by Stanley, 1870, (1901).  Creator: Unknown.
'Stanley's...Meeting with Emin Pasha, April 29, 1888, at Kavalli...', (1901).  Creator: Unknown.
Hut at the edge of Lake Tanganyika, Congo, 19th century.Artist: Lavielle
John Hanning Speke, British explorer, 19th century. Artist: Unknown
Portrait of John Hanning Speke, British explorer, 19th century. Artist: Unknown